Articles by Krissy Moehl

Chuckanut 50K

Elizabeth Peterman (207) makes her way up the Chinscraper climb to a finish in 6:39:11. Tiare Bowman Walking down the grassy Knoll toward the lower shelter, a new, dear friend and recent finisher of the C...

What’s Next?

What’s next? After taking the time to celebrate, refresh and regroup, the next ultra goal will start to tingle at the back of your brain. Your legs may feel a bit jumpy in anticipation to get into another training cycle....

Celebrate the Accomplishment

All too often we finish a race, the sweat on our brow hasn’t had a chance to dry and someone asks “So, what’s next?” Ultrarunners are goal-oriented people and it’s not uncommon to have the entire year of races planned. E...

Maintaining the Spark

The desire to know the unknown is a huge motivator. I like this sentence from my book Running Your First Ultra (page 34) because it captures what initially motivates runners to sign up for a race, train for and attemp...

Training for Your First Ultra

Moving in to a new year there is a common theme among humans to set goals and start with fire to achieve them. Gyms are usually packed, yoga classes overflow with students and the trails feel busier those first couple of...

Three Keys to Success

I love ultrarunning on trails. It’s how I was raised. Adopted by a tawny, muscular and lean tribe, I grew up with long dirty miles and recovery drinks shaping my norm. When I met Scott Jurek after his first Western State...