Articles by Maggie Guterl

The Idea of Fastpacking

Do you like trails? Do you enjoy expansive views and tunnels of green? Then, you are, most likely, a trail runner. And there’s a good chance you are an ultrarunner or, at least, ultra-curious. Whether you run fast or s...

New Things on Race Day, Preventing Burnout & Are Pain Medications Considered Cheating?

Everyone is familiar with the adage, “Never do anything new on race day.” Have you ever broken this cardinal rule? What was the result? - David Of course I have! Who hasn’t? Anyone? Bueller? But seriously, David....

First 100-Miler Tips & How to Keep Your Sanity During an Injury

I will be attempting my first 100-miler two weeks from tomorrow (gulp) at age 45.  What advice would you give to a first-time 100-miler (my previous long run is 50 miles)? Maybe something you wish you would hav...

Franklin Mountain

Rising 7,192 feet above sea level stands North Franklin Mountain. The Franklin Mountains, the southernmost tip of the Rocky Mountains, rise majestically above the city of El Paso, Texas. This unique landscape provides th...